Horse & Heart
Not-for-Profit Social Enterprise

Other Courses
for Resilience, Empowerment, Connection
and Personal Growth
(without horses)
All our courses are a welcome to all space regardless of background and life experiences.
Our ethos is of sharing and non-judgemental growth, and we believe that everyone can learn to reclaim hold of the reins of their own life path.
Taught through natural, kinetic and positive learning practices, empowerment, confidence, resilience, empathy, emotional literacy and social skills are an inherent part of the learning process.
What on Earth are emotions for, and what should we do with them?
This heart boosting and life transforming course is a guide to understanding the purpose of emotions – the pleasant and the unpleasant ones – and how to turn them from a being a burden into becoming tools of empowerment and social success.
course of 5 classes held weekly
in Exeter, Devon, UK
Suitable 16+
Offered on a Pay-What-You-Can basis
Our Natural Voice Community singing groups are a safe and fun space for EVERYONE to explore and reclaim singing as YOUR BIRTHRIGHT, and the magic of voices that come together in song.
Give your heart a voice through harmony and community bonding in an all-inclusive a capella choir.
Ongoing weekly classes:
- Thursday mornings in Exeter – Recovery singing group
- Monday nights in Bridford – Community singing group -
Suitable 16+
accompanied children welcome
Offered on a Pay-What-You-Can basis
Find your voice through the creative Art of Storytelling.
Discover how stories can bring healing as well as practical tools to support your journey of recovery; learn the skills of Storytellers – and turn your own story into your key to empowerment
Course of 5 classes held weekly
in Exeter, Devon, UK
Suitable 16+
Offered on a Pay-What-You-Can basis
We welcome guest teachers of natural approaches to living and connecting
with or without horses, please be in touch if you'd like
to team up for one of your courses!
We are also looking for partner organisations to set up sponsored courses
focusing on empathy, resilience, emotional & social skills, and recovery.

« This is so much more than a course, it has brought me Community in a way I had never experienced before. It’s not just an activity, it is real connection. »
« It is a safe space where everyone can just be themselves and open their hearts. And we create something together, something that really grows. We are all becoming someone. »â€‹â€‹â€‹
« It’s like a warm, cosy, huggy, joyful space to come to. »
« How do we feel? Empowered! Buzzing! Uplifted! Happy! »
« This class became a sacro-saint space whatever else was happening around me. A place where I knew I would be heard, and safe, and received. »
« This is the one place where I can come and just be ME, knowing that I will be received and welcome with all that I am, without anything being taken away from me. »
« It was scary and amazing… Scary because you touch on really uncomfortable things. And amazing because you lead us through them, and I felt stronger on the other side. »â€‹â€‹
« What am I taking away? A LOT! Looking at my emotions with compassion will be the biggest shift. I can see that that's going to transform my life. »
« Can't begin to tell you how much your sessions have meant to me and how much they have helped me, so many many thanks. »
« I never thought it would be the sort of thing I would do, but I would recommend it to anyone. Its a really lovely environment Marie creates and one where you feel valued and heard. »
« A HUGE thanks. This course has changed me in ways I never thought. It's a gentle space to dare to grow, to have your voice heard, a space of acceptance and love. Marie makes this a very special place to be, one of achievement and serenity. »
« This course has felt like a journey we were all going on, and I'm proud that I've stuck with it because it was very special. It has helped my mental health and my confidence in a group – thank you! »
« Here I have learnt how to relax and feel better in my life – not just in singing, this has given me tools to reduce stress and help me in the rest of life too. »
« It’s like we were a tribe, and nothing could harm us, and it brought us so much joy. »
« No words would describe this – it’s nicely wonderful! » ​

About Marie
Marie is a qualified instructor and recovery practitioner whose passion is to work with groups of all ages to share the tools of self-empowerment brought by ancient and natural practices. She has been leading groups and individuals for many years with love and care, always in an atmosphere of acceptance, inclusion and relaxed fun infused with deep heart-learning.
Marie has developed her teaching and coaching approach through years of intensive study and practice alongside renowned and experienced pratctioners as well as from personal experience – not least being a woman, and a teacher, on the autistic spectrum .
Marie is passionate about education and is a dynamic instructor dedicated to the continued development of her teaching skills with adults and children. Her background in alternative and conscious education gives the foundation to the ongoing improvement of unique teaching programmes for resilience, community building and personal growth.