Horse & Heart
Not-for-Profit Social Enterprise

Coming Home
A Journey to the Hearts of Horses
A deep journey of self-discovery, spiritual connection and Holistic Horsemanship including Animal Communication, Shamanic connection & Healing.
Explore who you truly are in total welcoming, learn how to reconnect to your own healing power, and meet the hearts of horses.
Through the fundamental elements of Earth, Water, Air & Fire, leading to intuitive communication with horses, this course is a pathway to your true Spirit and own Healing power.
A step by step journey to your own heart and to the hearts of horses, listening to their wisdom to find your true place on this Earth – your journey home.
Activities include horsemanship, meditation, land art, journeying and healing practices.
6 whole day workshops spread over the year, from March to October.
This course is with the Horse & Heart herd.
Suitable 16+
Offered on a Pay-What-You-Can basis
« I feel like my heart's just had a bath – it feels all warm and clean! »
« This was a 'Coming Home' on so many levels... Home to who we truly are, to what it is to be human, to what it could be, this living experience – if we allowed it. »
« I have finally found my place in the world. I feel more confident in my choices and in my behaviour. »
« It's deeply life changing, because it takes actually genuinely connecting with oneself. And it felt like the most natural thing in the world once I'd got it! »
« I feel like someone's pressed Ctrl + Alt + Del and reset me. It feels amazing. I have a sense of feeling safe in being me now. »
« I feel like I have found Home inside me. »
« I feel safer in the world, much more aware of mine and other people's needs. It's been amazing. »
« It was a big wondrous moment – when the horse started to follow me. »
« It is incredible that it is horses who are teaching us how to be truly human. And they know it! »
« Knowing this, and how deeply we can go and how far we can travel in our awareness by this simple way – it seems a sacrilege that most people spend so much of that time in a square box that doesn't make any sense or bring anything to Humanity. When if we only did this, simply this – we would go SO much further, and without any effort. »
« I felt myself wanting to come back here at weekends, waiting for the right date! »
« How can we take this more into the world, so that EVERY DAY is like this? THIS IS Humanity. »
« I feel filled with gratitude. All the threads are finally coming together. »
« This is it – this is Home. This is the work of people. And yet it feels so easy, so joyful, and resteful, and flowing. Because it is our place – it is natural. It is no effort. This is who we are . »
« It's been so wonderful. I feel so much more comfortable in myself, knowing who I am. »
« It is amazing to feel that true community is to be connected to ourselves of course, to each other, but also to animals and to Nature as one big family. »
« It's a whole new world, a whole new language, and a whole new way of being. »
« This is the way... This is IT! It is how things should be. Always. »