Horse & Heart
Not-for-Profit Social Enterprise
Meet the Team




The Story
One Woman's Journey
My name is Marie, I grew up in a mining town in the North of France where I attended the local riding club and an international school.
I discovered the concepts of "learning through play" and Child development at 16 years old while training as an activity instructor for children and teenagers. I then completed the French BAFA qualification in 1998, with the feeling that schools should be run in that way too!
I incorporated kinetic learning and play as a teaching approach into the lessons I taught as a private school tutor, and, later, as a language teacher for both children and adults.

Horse & Heart
Horse & Heart was born in Susex in 2010, offering Holistic Horsemanship training for people and their horses.
My goal was to bring more understanding of horses and higher standards of horsemanship for the benefit of both horses and their humans.
Horse & Heart marries Holistic Horsemanship with Animal Communication and Spiritual Healing, with the horses as guides and teachers.
Horses come for training for high level skills from riding to harness work, equine therapy or remedial behaviour training.
People follow the programme to improve their horsemanship skills or as a path for personal growth.

Natural Ways
The Herd
Our horses live outdoors and barefoot. They graze and browse in fields and hedges and drink from natural water.
In the Winter they grow thick coats to protect them from the weather and they are free to choose to shelter when they need to.
Our horses live as a herd and they freely form the bonds and live the social roles of natural horses.
When our land is not enough to provide them with what they need we supplement them with meadow hay and natural feed.
We use natural remedies as health support and prioritise holistic healing practices.
The language we use and teach to interact with them, using our body and energy, aims to be the closest possible to their own.

Our Values
And Code of Best Practice
Whether regarding people, horses, or the land, we work to a code of best practice and our core values are present on the Horse & Heart site as well as in our courses and teachings.
Respect and Empathy – across species
Positive Learning
A path of Resilience
A path of Excellence