Horse & Heart
Not-for-Profit Social Enterprise

Levels Courses
for competent horsemanship
From beginner all the way up to professional standard, follow the curriculum of equine communication and education to Mastery level.
The programme includes:
- Liberty
- Ground skills
- Equine Ethology & Psychology
- Positive Leadership
- Desensitisation (overcoming fear)
- Practical skills (trailer loading etc)
- Natural Husbandry and care
- Riding Naturally (optional)
Foundation Programme of 6 Courses
Or learn by Theme
For your own group – 3 to 8 participants
At your own venue with your own horse / mule / donkey
Or with the Horse & Heart herd
Suitable 16+
Offered on a Pay-What-You-Can basis
The Levels curriculum is aimed at anyone who wishes to study the art of horsemanship, whether as a hobby or as a professional.
Horsemanship means learning true horse language – how to become the horse's teacher, and, in their eyes, their "lead horse".
The foundation skill set of this programme is essential for anyone who handles or keeps horses, and is a beautiful journey of connection and partnership for a fulfilled equestrian experience!
The journey can then be taken further to professional level of horse training and instructorship.
The programme starts with the science of equine ethology – understanding horses in their natural setting – and equine psychology, then gradually moves on to integration in the herd and relationship building, including Liberty and rope work and riding / draft work for those who wish, to finally lead on to horse training for any discipline.
Personal growth is also part of the programme, as emotional intelligence and resilience are essential to achieve the attitude of positive leadership required for interacting with horses.
Each module is an in-depth study taught to the highest scientific standards, and hands-on skills are developed to refinement level. This programme is a path of mastery and excellence exploring knowledge, skills, and self understanding to a deep level. More than a technique, it is a way of life.
All modules are available for adults & children, with age-adapted teaching style.
This programme is suitable for all breeds of horses, mules and donkeys.
The first modules take place in the Horse & Heart herd, and thereafter you can follow the curriculum either with the Horse & Heart herd or with your own horse.
As this approach is based on true equine communication and genuine mutual respect, as well as a thorough understanding of learning patterns, has been shown to be much safer than conventional practices.
No previous experience is required to begin the journey.
If you simply wish to explore and discover horses at your own pace or overcome a fear of horses, this is the perfect place to do so.
If you wish to take on the journey as an in-depth pursuit, please be aware that the horse world is an outdoors and physical lifestyle, with exposure to the weather, to all our human moods, emotions, and levels of tiredness both physically and mentally – horses require us to meet our limits in order to achieve the gentleness and softeness we seek.
If you do have an equestrian background your ease around horses will be useful. Do be prepared however to let go of a lot of habits and beliefs and to learn again, and from the start, a completely new approach and technique.
Please remember that if you are starting on the Holistic Horsemanship journey, you are the student and your horse is your teacher – although you will learn new skills together. It is advised to follow the programme with an experienced horse who is comfortable around people – and to get to Level 7+ before taking on a young or troublesome horse.
However, if you've already got a young or difficult horse then do come anyway! – you will have the opportunity to practise with school horses before handling your own horse.
The benefits of this approach have been shown consistently in all equestrian disciplines... creating happier, safer, and higher skilled horses and humans, connected as a true team in everything they do.
The programme is suitable for all breeds of horses, mules and donkeys.
If you wish to learn a holistic approach to draft work with horses, please see our Working Horses page.
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Your Group
You will need to gather together a group of people who can meet at regular intervals for the courses.
The course fee is for the whole group – payment shares are organised between group members.
Your group can be composed of participants (with horses) and specators (without horses, they take part in all the theory classes, simulations and games and personal growth activities and can watch and ask questions during hands-on sessions).
Groups are kept small to ensure the best level of personal attention, quality of teaching, and group dynamics.
Maximum numbers:
Participants : 8
Spectators: 16
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Foundation Programme
a 2 to 3-year learning programme in set course packages
Course 1 - 3 Days (Horse & Heart herd or trusted herd)
Herd & Liberty Approach, meet horses in their natural environment. Equine Ethology and Psychology, care of horses in a natural setup.
Course 2 - 5 Days (with your own horse or school horse)
Basic Handling at Liberty, Communication through Feel, Groundwork in head collar, Principles of Equine communication & Learning.
Course 3 - 5 Days (with your own horse or school horse)
Communication through Energy, Advanced Groundwork, Communication at Liberty, Desensitisation (overcoming fear and introducing new items & situations), Advanced Handling & Husbandry.
Course 4 - 5 Days (with your own horse or school horse)
Advanced Communication & Desensitisation, Preparation to Riding, work in long lines, teaching patterns, teaching Responsibility, Trailer Loading, Principles of Advanced Training.
Course 5 - 5 Days (with your own horse or school horse)
Riding Naturally, focused skillset for specific disciplines, Planning your Training programme.
Course 6 - 3 to 5 Days (with your own horse or school horse)
Recap, Refinement to specific tasks, Troubleshooting, Creating your own goals.
Students receive their certificates.
This programme is a comprehensive way of going through the curriculum up to Level 6 / 7 (see Levels below), covering all the Levels Modules in a balanced way.
Courses typically take place at 3 to 6 months intervals, for a completed programme over 2 to 3 years. This rhythm allows for students to practise the learning outcomes with their horses at home between courses, so that they are ready for the next level introduced on the next course.
The first course takes place in the Horse & Heart herd, thereafter students work with their own horses. It is possible however to follow the entire programme with a school horse too, if you are ok to go at your own pace with exercises as and when you see your horse.
This foundation programme is a solid and thorough training for horse keepers and riders of all disciplines aup to advanced hobby level.
Further courses can be organised for those who wish to continue to higher levels.
For the curriculum for draft work see our Working Horses page.
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The Curriculum – by Theme
Level 1:
Includes theory module: Equine Psychology part 1 ; introduces Horsemanship Ethics
A Natural Approach: Introduction - Ethology & Liberty - 3 Days (Horse & Heart herd or trusted herd)
Level 2:
Includes theory module: Equine Psychology part 2
a) Advanced Herd Connection (Liberty) - 3 Days (Horse & Heart herd or trusted herd)
b) Natural Equine Husbandry & Nutrition - 2 Days (Horse & Heart herd or natural setup)
Level 3 - Training principles:
Including theory module: Psychology of Learning part 1
a) Overcoming Fear - Desensitisation - 3 Days
b) Horse Language in practice: Energy & Rhythm - Responding to Intention - 3 Days
c) Horse Language in practice: Energy & Touch - Responding to Feel - 3 Days
Level 4:
Natural Handling for Vet & Hoof Care / Equine professional practitioners & Horse owners* - 3 to 6 Days
* this module can also be offered as a stand alone
Level 5 - Rope work & Liberty - Preparation to Riding:
Including theory modules: Psychology of Learning part 2 ; Equine Temperaments part 1 ; Creating a Training Plan
a) Advanced Energy & Touch / Energy & Rhythm - Responding to Feel & Intention / Trailer Loading - 3 to 5 Days
c) Advanced Desensitisation - 3 to 5 Days
Level 6:
Includes theory module: Equine Temperaments part 2
a) Liberty with Purpose - 3 to 5 Days
b) Foundation to Riding (specific) - 5 Days
c) Preparation for hacking & unknown environments (Groundwork) - 5 Days
Level 7:
a) Riding Naturally (Freestyle) - 5 Days
b) Wild Pony Training (subject to venue) - 5 Days
c) Foal Training (subject to venue) - 5 Days
Level 8 - Finesse – Balance, Lightness, Calm & Harmony:
a) Liberty in Finesse - 5 Days
b) Riding in Finesse – all disciplines - 5 Days
c) Riding Bridleless - 5 Days
d) Training in Finesse - 5 Days
Your Path – tailored coaching to Mastery - Custom
Depending on your chosen area of specialisation this can be tailored in partnership with other instructors.
* See below
You can also learn the curriculum in courses focused on themes.
Some mixing of learning outcomes will need to take place according to yours or your horse's needs.
LEVELS 1 & 2 take place in the Horse & Heart herd (no guest horses) or in a herd that the instructor knows well and where the setup is suitable.
From LEVEL 3 onwards, courses can either continue in the Horse & Heart herd, or take place at your own venue, with your own horses.
From that point on it is also possible to bring your own horses to the Horse & Heart centre for the courses if some of the participants in your group wish to carry on working with the Horse & Heart herd.
The durations mentioned are a guideline to the time needed to complete each theme. From L2 onwards, themes are usually mixed during a single course to be introduced as is naturally needed.
However, generally speaking a group must complete a level in full before moving on to the next level, except for L7 b & c which are optional, and the L4 Natural Horse Handling course which can be offered as a stand alone.
Where there is a choice of duration, choose the full course for an in-depth experience orthe shorter length for a taster.
It usually takes 2 to 4 years to get to Refinement level if consistent and regualr time is dedicated to practise.
For the curriculum for draft work see our Working Horses page.
We recommend the Foundation Programme for a comprehensive
set of 6 courses incorporating all Modules up to Level 6 /7,
delivered at 3 to 6 months intervals over a period of 2 to 3 years.
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Once you have completed your Refinement level to Mastery, you can become a trainee Holistic Horsemanship practitioner.
Step 1 : Equine Education
a) Liberty & Ground skills
b) Riding
Step 2: Instructorship
a) Adults
b) Children
Includes teaching vulnerable people.
In order to apply for Professional Training, all previous modules must be achieved to Mastery level.
Each step of the Professional Training programme comprises formal classes and personal study, including:
- Hands-on & supervised coaching sessions
- Theory & research
- Personal growth
- Working with unknown horses of different backgrounds and temperaments.
Some modules are set, others are free where the student chooses their own area of development.
The 2 steps – Equine Education and Instructorship – can be taken either together or separately.
The professional training can be offered as Group modules if there are enough students to make a class, or as a One-to-One journey. If intensive time is dedicated to your study it could take you from 1 to 2 years to complete, or you can take it at your own pace.
Once qualified, you will be a "Horse & Heart approved Holistic Horsemanship Professional" and can continue to develop your own approach as you wish as long as it meets the same ethics.
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Certificates of Attendance are delivered for full attendance to a workshop or course.
Certificates of Completion (optional – L3 onwards) can be applied for by demonstrating each task of a level with one's own horse.*
Certificate of Mastery (optional): Students demonstrate the tasks for each level with 3 horses representing all learning temperaments + show one creative goal of their choosing.*
* For Completion and Mastery levels, tasks must be performed with a horse who has been trained by the student, not with a school horse. Completion of a level includes having followed the complete theory lessons as well as showing the practical tasks.
These certificates are optional – only for students who request them – and students can take as long as they and their horse need to complete them at their own pace. Students who wish to carry on to professional level must complete Mastery standard for all levels.
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What to expect
Unless specifically specified modules can take place either with the Horse & Heart herd or at your own location, with your own horses.
When working with your own horse you will need to have your own tack.
School horses from the Horse & Heart herd come with their tack.
However, all students must provide their own equipment for themselves (appropriate clothing and footwear, riding hat where necessary).
Groups are from 3 to 8 people. If working with the Horse & Heart herd you might have to share a horse with another student.
Select your course theme, location and length (when applicable) upon booking.
You can either book a place on a scheduled course or book a tailored course for your own existing group.
When you create your own group, the sessions are totally tailored to your group's rhythm and needs (horses's and humans') and the curriculum may be jiggled around to accommodate what is best for you.
When attending a course module the lessons are structured in levels covered in depth including practical skills, theory classes, personal growth practices, group supported learning and co-coaching.
In each session students are given new tools of horsemanship and we make sure that these are understood correctly and applied safely.
The students then take them home to work on as homework and we keep working on them together until they are fully assimilated and students are ready to move on to the next level.
Students may take the time they and their horses need to explore the learning outcomes and there is no pressure to keep up as everyone can wok on their own tasks within a level. Themes can be revisited over several courses before moving on to the next module.
All of the curriculum's levels & themes apply to children as well although the learning outcomes covered may be more flexible depending on the children's learning rhythms and needs.
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We recommend
- If you are new to horses or to this approach, follow up to Levels 3 /4 in the Horse & Heart herd before working with your own horse;
- If you are already experienced in Natural Horsemanship or have owned horses for a long time, to complete L1 & 2 in the Horse & Heart herd (recommended as courses rather than short sessions) and pick up from there with your own horse.
Please be aware that educating a young horse, a wild horse, a stallion, or a troubled horse with behaviour issues requires skills of an advanced level (L8+). If you are learning this approach please choose an easy and experienced horse as your partner. The horse is the teacher, they need to have the stability and maturity to take on that role for you.
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« Finally, an approach that is respectful of the horse and feels totally right. » Hervé
« Oh I so wish I'd known all this before. » Lisa
« I have been a professional riding instructor for 22 years. Twenty-two years! This is my first day here, and I learnt something new every minute. I had never felt such a level of connection and understanding with a horse before. This course should be compulsory for anyone who wants to work with horses. » Julie
« I had no idea that such a level of lightness and mutual understanding was possible. » Sarah
« Such a wealth of knowledge, such high standard of skill and finesse. » Jeremy
« This course has completely blown my mind. I was looking for a more natural approach of horses, but I never expected this strength of connection, or this level of understanding with my horse. Every moment is extraordinary. » Manu
« It makes me wonder... what have I been doing all those years?! I had never really known my horse. » Phil
« The lessons are so much fun! This surely is the only way to learn. » Emma
« I have learnt how to talk with my horse as if it was completely natural, and I have met myself on a level I didn't even know existed. » Kate
« Really makes you wonder why any other way with horses exists at all. » Rebecca
Photo Gallery
What kind of background do I need to have to start learning Holistic Horsemanship?
No previous experience is required. The journey starts with getting to know the horses and learning their language and everyone starts again from scratch as the skills are specific.
There is no pressure to learn fast either, you can just take your own time.
If you come from an equestrian background, great! Your experience will be useful to you, but be prepared to have to unlearn and re-learn a lot too.
And yes, everyone can do it.
Do I need to have my own horse to follow the Horsemanship Levels programme?
You don't need to have your own horse, you can simply practice with the Horse & Heart herd – and work on some concepts and simulations at home as personal growth practices. It is the best way to start connecting with horses!
Just be aware that some higher level modules are only open to students with their own horses, and also that some certificates are only possible to apply for with your own horse. These are not compulsory however.
When (or if) the day comes for you to have your own horse you will be much quicker to go through the programme together!
What equestrian discipline is this approach suitable for, and what level can it take me to ?
This approach is the foundation to all equestrian disciplines and leads to a professional level of horsemanship. It teaches the horse to respond to your lightest touch or change of energy and focus, to trust your calm in every situation, to take responsibility for a task and to understand the subtlest cues, from basic to advanced exercises. It teaches the human how to act like a lead mare to gain the horse's trust and respect, and the skills to become the best possible teacher, knowing how to adapt to any horse.
Once the foundation is in place, the finesse levels look at the specifics of each discipline according to your needs : whether it is hacking, jumping, dressage, logging, carriage driving, draft work, circus shows or anything else – from there on you can take it to the highest levels, building on your skills.
Think of it as a school system: L1 & 2 are pre-school; L3 & 4 primary school; L5 & 6 secondary school; L7 is A Levels graduation,: L8 is University; and Refinement is your Doctorate – carrying on refining to the level of your dreams.
Is it worth following the programme if I'm already an experieced or professional rider?
Yes, absolutely. Many students of the Holistic Horsemasnhip programme were experienced or professional equestrians when they started the course. All have found this approach truly beneficial, and were surprised by how much they learnt from it from Day 1 of their first course! This is a totally different approach to the classical way, and a very different connection with horses – for more finesse, more safety, better communication, and problem-solving abilities – it just takes things to a whole new level.
Is this approach suitable for draft work with working horses ?
Yes, absolutely! See our Working Horses page for more info.
How long does it take to complete the entire Levels programme?
Our Foundation programme is typically completed over a perieod of 3 years, with modules set at 6 months intervals – although this duration can be shortened if you take the modules at shorter intervals.
This takes you to Level 6 / 7 of the Holistic Horsemanship curriculum (above) – a solid level where you are ready to ride your horse naturally and have all the tools to face any situation.
Some factors will play a part in how quickly you will achieve your goal, for example:
- What your previous experience is
- What age your horse is and their background
- How much time you put into your study
- To a certain extent, how quick a learner you are at mental, emotional and motor skills.
If, however, you choose to follow the programme on an ad hoc basis, then the duration will be dependent on your input.
If you can spend 2 to 4 hours per week practicing and take each module intensively, you could complete the curriculum in 1 or 2 years.
Usually, dedicated students spend 2 to 4 years to get to Refinement level.
If you're taking it at a slower pace then it's entirely up to you.
Once you reach L8, the journey of refinement continues forever after - and you can look at training to become a professional.
Children, however, tend to learn much faster!
How long do I have to study groundwork before I can ride / work in harness?
This also depends on the same factors:
- What your previous experience is: you will need to be eased into riding gently if you havent' done it before.
- If learning with your own horse, what age your horse is and their background: a horse's bones finish solidifying between 5 and 7 years old. Before that, they can have a rider on their back and learn some riding cues depending on your relative weight to them, but they can't be asked to do a lot physically. If your horse is "green" or has behavioural issues you'll already need to be an experienced rider. The same applies to pulling heavy loads although a lot can already be introduced in harness without too much weight.
- How much time you put into your study;
- To a certain extent, how quick a learner you are at mental, emotional and motor skills.
In all cases, the concept of this approach is to establish a solid relationship of trust and clear communication with your horse before riding or working in harness. It will take as long as it takes for you to establish that together and that can vary a lot.
Generally speaking, if you're taking lessons in the Horse & Heart herd, riding begins around day 25 of your training. If you are learning with your own horse and if your horse is already experienced (backed) and has no behavioural issue, and if you can spend 2 to 4 hours per week practicing and take each module intensively, you could start riding within 5 to 10 days of training.
If you're taking it at a slower pace, or if your horse needs more time to work on fear, then it can be any length of time.
But don't worry about it too much. This is all about the relationship, and every step is of such depth and beauty that it hardly matters what happens when. It will happen when it is right for you. Meanwhile, a lot of people find so much joy in playing with their horse at Liberty that they never even bother riding again! Your journey will be unique. It will be yours.
Is it compulsory to follow the entire curriculum?
Not at all. You can take the modules one by one up to the level of your choosing.
You do need to complete a level before moving on to the next though, except where specified otherwise.
You only need to follow the entire curriculum if you wish to train to professional level.
Can I join an existing group?
Yes, open classes will be listed on our Calendar page.
Alternatively, you can book your own group on the Courses page.
What if I don't want to ride?
That's perfectly ok – lots of people don't. There is so much to do and enjoy with a horse on the ground – from Liberty to rope work, self-development and even working in harness if that's something you'd like to do. Just take the modules that suit and inspire you for your own unique relationship with horses.
Do you use bits?
The entire curriculum is done in a Natural Horsemanship halter and at Liberty. You will never need to use a bit for riding if you do not wish to.
If you wish to use a bit, you will need to understand why and how they function and to train your hands as well as your horse to the utmost level of lightness. Bits should never be used for control, only for precision in finesse, and should not be introduced before Refinement level.
If your horse is not safe to be ridden / taken out without a bit, he /she is simply not ready to be ridden or taken out!
During the programme, we can help you work on a plan to transition from the bit if you are already riding bitted.
Can I ride bareback?
Yes, you can ride in whatever style you like.
When learning a new skill the priorities will always be:
- The horse's comfort and welfare
- Your safety
For example, if your horse hasn't muscled up his/ her back he/ she might need more time before he/ she is ridden bareback or to be ridden in an appropriate saddle to help support your weight. You will also need to consider how long you want your riding sessions to be: for your horse's welfare, if riding for long periods at a time you will need to dismount for long breaks especially if riding bareback. If you haven't got much riding experience you might be safer in a bareback pad to begin with to help build your balance. We can discuss all this together and help you find what works best for you and your horse.
Is the programme suitable to people with special needs?
Yes, of course. So long as safety can be ensured, the lessons are always tailored to each student's needs anyway. In some cases special arrangements will need to be made such as adapted learning tools or a carer being present for example.
Do contact us in advance to discuss any specific requirements you might have.
Will I need to buy anything for the lessons?
You will need to bring suitable clothing and footwear.
A riding hat conforming with current UK standards is compulsory for children in all lessons (including groundwork), and compulsory for adults when riding. (Unfortunately we are not able to lend riding hats as these must be professionally fitted for safety.)
If working with your own horse you will also need the standard Natural Horsemanship training tools (stick, string, halter and rope), as well as any tack necessary to your training goal (for example your own saddle, harness, or other tack).
Please do not buy cheap / counterfeit tack as yours and your horse's safety and comfort rely on it – ask us for advice if you're not sure what to buy.
Is this programme suitable for stallions?
Unfortunately, we cannot accept stallions (entire males) on courses due to the risk to other participants and horses and to there being mares on the premises.
In terms of training, stallions use the same language as other horses of course, so the learning outcomes are as relevant to them as they are to any horse. However, due to their position in the herd, stallions do not take directions from any other horse than their lead mare, and they take their job and responsibility very seriously. Working with stallions without having a long and thorough experience of horses and before having achieved Mastery standards of L8 is not recommended as it can be unsafe.
Should I buy / adopt my own horse?
If you are new to horses, the best thing is to learn the foundation skills with the school horses of the Horse & Heart herd before taking on your own horse. You will then have a solid foundation when the time comes to adopt a horse: knowing how to set up their environment for their health and welfare, how to handle them safely and how to look after them.
If you have a lot of experience with horses and know what you are doing, then you'll probably benefit more from taking the journey with your own horse.
Only consider adopting a horse if:
- You already have a lot of experience in horse care, husbandry and training.
- You have completed L1 to 4 of the Holistic Horsemanship curriculum with confidence and can get some qualified help if needed.
- You intend to keep your horse in Training Livery with us until you have achieved that level.
If this is your first horse you should choose an experienced horse who is used to people, safe to be around and easy to handle.
Be particularly careful not to choose a horse unsuitable to your level and skills. Many people will sell horses to unsuitable buyers and even lie about the horse's issues or simply be unaware of them. Take a competent person with you to advise you when choosing your horse. This horse will be your teacher, she needs to be able to step into that role for you.
Only adopt a wild or young horse if:
- You have a lot of experience;
- We recommend completing at least your L6 + L7 modules in wild / foal training beforehand.
- You intend to keep your horse in Training Livery with us until you have achieved that level.
A wild or young horse will be impacted by every moment of interaction and the smallest thing can scare them or shape their behaviour for life. It takes a lot of skills to handle and educate them positively.
Do not expect a young or wild horse to be your teacher: they rely on you to know what you are doing and they are in a vulnerable position there. Only take them on if you are ready and qualified to step into that role for them.
Remember also that horses need to live in herds and to be able to move a lot outdoors: please do not consider keeping a horse on their own or stabled a this would be damaging to their mental / emotional and physical welfare.
If you are ready and have the appropriate setup, then enjoy a happy time with your horse!
Can I train to professional level?
Yes, absolutely.
Once you have completed your Mastery level, you can train to become a Holistic Horsemanship practitioner.
Can this approach help me get over a fear of horses?
Yes, this approach is the best way tolearn the skills to overcome fear and to take it at your own pace, with no pressure.
Being wary of horses if you don't know them is a very healthy place to start from as it keeps you safe! Your confidence will grow as you learn their language and as you establish your new position in the herd.
Can this approach be a self-development / social development practice?
Yes, absolutely! Some of our courses are specifically focused on this. You can also book your own tailored Theme Course, where a personal plan is drawn with each student / group or family according to their own wishes and needs.
Contact with horses, and particularly approaches like Holistic Horsemanship which focus on self-awareness, have been shown to help with (amongst others):
- Building Confidence
- Developing Transferable Learning Skills
- Social & Communication Skills
- Emotional Intelligence
- Resilience
- Recovery from trauma
- Motor Skills & Problem Solving
- Positive / Collective Leadership Skills & Team Building
- Developing Empathy
- Finding a Purpose
Are you insured?
Yes, we are fully insured.

About Marie
Marie is a qualified BFEE2 Natural Horsemanship practitioner and an experienced instructor.
She has developed the Holistic Horsemanship approach through years of intensive study and practice with master horsemen and women and through immersion in herds of semi-wild horses, as well as through training in shamanic healing and Animal Communication.
Marie is passionate about education and is a dynamic instructor dedicated to the continued development of her teaching skills with adults and children. Her background in alternative and conscious education gives the foundation to the ongoing improvement of unique teaching programmes for holistic learning, community building and personal growth.