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Horse & Heart – Holistic Horsemanship Apprenticeship –

True Ways – Apprenticeship & Youth Club


A learning programme for high competence in Holistic Horsemanship and Natural horse care


Fortnightly during term time, from April till October, in the Horse & Heart herd


Offered on a Pay-What-You-Can basis


Apprenticeship – For 14 to 19 year olds – Full day (10am - 4pm)


Youth Club – For 10 to 13 year olds – Half day (10am - 1pm)



Looking for an Apprenticeship for Adults? Click here.


We are looking for Funding to make this programme FREE for all.

Can you help?   Be in touch!

The Setting



The True Ways Programme is a fantastic opportunity for young people to explore the full Holistic Horsemanship curriculum for real competence and skills, at an accessible price.


Open to children and teenagers from age 14 to 19 (Apprenticeship) and 10 to 13 (Youth Club), its aim is to provide a space of natural learning in an positive environment, with Nature and animals both as a foundation and as teachers.


In an atmosphere of total inclusion and from a place of inspiration and empowerement for positive team work, True Ways provides tuition for qualifying skills in real Horsemanship and natural equine husbandry and land care, as well as social skills, emotional intelligence, resilience, positive group integration and positive leadership.




The Programme



True Ways follows the complete Holistic Horsemanship curriculum in modules adapted to the rhythm of the sessions, covering natural equine language and behaviour, herd connection in mutual trust and respect, applied equine language through playing with the ponies at liberty, communication through touch and through energy, teaching the horse new tricks and how to overcome fear... and much more, for a bond with horses that will last forever.

See the curriculum here


As an Apprenticeship programme, students take part in the work involved with looking after the horses and the land, an opportunity for them to learn to take responsibility (as what they do is truly helpful) whilst learning practical skills in Natural Equine Husbandry and Care. The sessions are split between "lesson time" and "work time" and students commit to attending the full sessions as part of the programme. "Work time" is of course relevant to the curriculum, adapted to the students' age, and its main goal is to provide more learning for in depth and high level competence in Holistic Horsemasnhip.


Students also have the opportunity to meet natural and traditional horse care professionals at work: natural hoof trimmer, equine dentist, natural equine health practitioner, vet etc.


Young people can choose to join us for a term of discovery, carry on in an informal way simply for enjoyment or to follow the entire programme and achieve Mastery level – where they are able to work with horses to professional standards.


A checklist of the curriculum path is given to each participant, and those who wish can tick off learning outcomes and take friendly assessments to mark their progress and receive a Horse & Heart certificate of competence for the level achieved.

This is not compulsory however, everyone can choose their own style of learning.


Holistic Horsemanship also develops personal skills such as self-confidence and expression, conscious communication, team building and cooperation, positive leadership, emotional intelligence and motor skills.




The Rhythm



Fortnightly (during term time) in the Horse & Heart herd


Apprenticeship – 10am - 4pm  (Full day –  For 14 to 19 year olds)


Youth Club – 10am - 1pm  (Half day For 10 to 13 year olds)


Participants commit to a term of attendance (non refundable).



Each workshop is split between:


- (1/2 time) Lesson in Holistic Horsemanship including practical horse training skills (Liberty & rope, leading to riding & harness) and equine ethology (equine behaviour & psychology).

Apprenticeship – 1/2 day   /   Youth Club – 1.5 to 2 hours


- (1/2 time) Work – Practical learning in Natural Equine Husbandry and land care

Apprenticeship – 1/2 day   /   Youth Club – 1 to 1.5 hours



Lessons take place in the Horse & Heart herd.

Students learn groundwork as a foundation to all equestrian disciplines, transferring their communication skills to riding if they wish once they have achieved the necessary level in groundwork (this may take a few months as Holistic Horsemanship works from the basis of true communication and relationship with the horse and this takes time to build), and draft work.

Students are not require to ride however, there is plenty to learn and develop on the ground and some choose to focus on that.


Work time is all about learning to look after horses and after the land and is part of the learning outcomes of the apprenticeship: tasks will involve mucking out, feeding, fence maintenance, weeding, sowing, tack care, etc. 

It is also a  preparation for the expectations of real working life: learning how to work to the best standards of care and quality, be reliable and efficient in all weather conditions, stay positive and deal with tasks that are sometimes exciting and new and other times challenging and repetitive, and learn to take responsibilities for the welfare of the horses.




True Ways is the place to be –

Learning from horses how to take one's true place in life.





« I've learnt so much I don't even know where to begin! » 


« I love learning horse language and finding I can talk to my horse at home. »


« I feel so much more confident and it's really nice how we all work together and help each other. »


« My friends think I'm so cool for being a Horse Whisperer. »


« I've learnt to be calmer, and to communicate better when things are not going how I want them to. »


« Coming here has made me be less anxious. Instead of panicking, I know what to do to make things better – because I need to be good for the horse. »


« My son has benefited so much from this programme, we can really see the difference. »


« The girls really seem to enjoy it, they're very chuffed about all the things they are learning. »


« This is the way school should be. Always. Everything is there – everything they need to learn. »



Course Photos
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