Horse & Heart
Not-for-Profit Social Enterprise

Touching their Hearts
From Animal & Plant Phenomenology to Intuitive Communication
Touching their Hearts is a Home Study curriculum that can be followed by anyone, anywhere.
A gentle path of self-discovery and deep connection with the animal or plant of your choice, it is the foundation of all connection and partnership on a true heart level.
Over the course of 4 or 6 consecutive weeks, through daily exercises of observation, meditation, and connection, this course takes you from the earth realms of Ethology (the Science of observation of Nature), through to emotional perception, then to intuitive understanding and Animal Communication.
Touching their Hearts is a journey of true heart connection & communication of unique richness and depth.
Home Study
With any animal, of any species
Suitable for anyone 13+
4-Week curriculum: Foundation – Phenomenology
6- Week curriculum: Foundation + Animal Communication
You will be able to choose your starting date upon booking. Scroll down for more info.

Phenomenology, also known as Goethean Science, is a practice of study established by Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe in the early 19th century and later developed by Rudolf Steiner.
As a leading scientist and botanist, Goethe felt that the approach proposed by conventional Science in order to collect information and knowledge of Nature was insufficient.
Goethe believed that after the first stages of neutral, factual observation, further steps of connection were needed in order to truly understand Nature.
He would say that if a butterfly were caught and pinned inside a book, one would indeed be able to weigh it, measure the span of its wings, and analyse all its colours acurately. But one would remain totally ignorant about the butterfly : for what made it itself, unique as a live being, was the life force that inhabited it when it was alive.
Goethe believed that in order to understand Nature, true Science must apply itself to understanding that very life force which inhabits each creature in a unique way, and to connect with it.
Goethe developed a step by step approach based on 4 Modes of study – Earth, Water, Air and Fire, leading from grounded observation, through meditation and connection, to intuitive communication.
Goethe himself applied his method to everything he studied. Today, still, his findings in botany are used as a reference in the field.
Later, Rudolf Steiner, a fervent advocate of Goethe's work, studied Phenomenology in depth and applied it as a way to understand many varied life processes and dynamics – from the study of plants and animals, to astronomy, health, agriculture, and education.
Steiner was considered a visionary and his approach in all those fields is still applied today.
However, he himself insisted that he was only a dedicated student in Goethean Science, and that anyone may achieve the same depth of understanding and "visions" if they applied themselves to this work.
When I discovered Phenomenology as part of my Biodynamic Agriculture course at Emerson College in 2008, I instantly fell in love with it. By that time, I had studied Ethology with horses and was already a Natural Horsemanship Instructor. I was also a student in Animal Communication and just about to qualify as a Reiki practitioner.
I delved into Phenomenology with studious delight, as it seemed to bring mortar to bind all of my life practices and marry them in a wholesome way.
I found that this was the complementary piece of a bigger puzzle: it gave grounding and structure to the more etherial and spiritual realms of Animal Communication and Healing, which were a perfect continuation of its path, and it was echoed in Ethology and Natural Horsemanship as if in a mirror. It bridged the gap between the worlds.
After a few years of intensive study, I developed the Touching their Hearts course as an essence of heart connection between one student and an animal or plant partner. A wholesome and enriching path, it is grounded in Goethean Science, incorporates Ethology, reaches into the depth needed to become a Healer and Communicator – and leads to Intuitive Communication as a natural path of connection. It provides the roots for all these disciplines and is a beautiful way to begin one's journey.

Much more than a "conventional" Animal Communication course, the Touching their Hearts programme gently guides you each step of the way from the safe and known realms of observation, deep into your own ability to connect from your heart, knowing yourself as you do so – and through every level of consciousness required for a solid clarity in Intuitive Communication (rather than fleeting and uncertain experiences). The time is yours, and you grow as you walk the path.
The first 4 weeks of the course is the foundation: a journey of discovery of yourself and your chosen partner in study, leading to the opening of Animal Communication. The further 2 weeks (which are optional), allow you to explore and solidify your ability to communicate intuitively, bringing clarity, precision and confidence.
The study takes place at your home and in your own time, giving 1 to 3 hours of daily study over 4 or 6 consecutive weeks (although you can take a break between week 4 and 5, but I recommend carrying on with the flow).
At the beginning of each week you will receive the instructions to follow for your daily study of the week ahead, taking you to a new level of connection every time: Earth, Water, Air and Fire.
The 2 weeks of further study take you further into the Fire mode and explore Animal Communication.
You will be asked to do some exercises of observation, research, meditation and consciousness and to write your experiences in a journal (you will not need to share this with anyone).
The process is a very gentle one, accessible to all. You will be able to tailor the exercises to your own feeling at all times, too. There is no pressure to do or achieve anything: this journey is yours, unique as you are.
You will need to choose an animal or a plant as a partner of study, one that you can visit or spend time with every day.
This can be a domesticated or a wild animal: as long as you can be sure to see him/ her every day.
Some exercises may be adapted accordingly: for example, if your partner is a wild animal or a plant that you do not know, you will not be asked to touch them.
If your study partner is a plant, this can be either an indoor or an outdoor plant, and it can be a tree, too.

The Touching their Hearts course is suitable for participants from age 13+
The course includes: Observation, Meditation & Personal Research.
Required time of study : ~ 1 hour daily for 4 to 6 weeks dedicated to the study of your animal.
You will be sent 1 instruction sheet per week, with exercises to carry out daily during that week.
Kit list for your study programme:
A logbook in which to take notes and draw.
Drawing / painting tools according to your preference.
Access to scientific data concerning your animal / plant's species and breed (books or internet).
Dedication and Love to your animal / plant.
The package includes:
- Distance Tuition Sheets by email,
- Support & Guidance by email / Phone (messages or calls) during the time of the study if needed.
At the end of your study, you will therefore have your feet solidly rooted in Mother Earth while being able to feel the flow of Life's energy, listen from your heart, and be as one with your communication partner.
You can choose to take the journey for 4 weeks for Foundation level, or 6 weeks for the complete course including 2 weeks to developing clarity in your Animal Communication skills.
You can also sign up for 4 weeks and decide at the end of these if you'd like to carry on with the 2 extra weeks, although it is cheaper to book the 6 weeks straight away.

« This is the missing link, the bridge I've been looking for! Finally a course that shows every step of the way to Animal Communication, and makes it simple, practical, achievable... and so so beautiful. Thank you so much! »
« It has been such a deep and incredibly rich journey with my plant teacher... I knew I felt something special about this plant, but I had never expected such a powerful meeting, such a deep understanding, and the opening onto a world both completely alien and deeply familiar. Wow... I feel so much gratitude, and peace. Thank you. »
« My beloved animal teacher was with me all through the process, guiding me each step of the way. And I finally heard his voice, his real voice in my head telling me where he was when I had lost him – and it was true! What used to be subtle is now tangible, and my confidence is growing. Thank you Marie! »
« I now look at Nature completely differently, with much more depth, and I feel so much more in harmony with and connected to the Earth. I am loving it, it's a fantastic feeling! »
« My horse knows exactly when I'm doing this work, it's incredible. As soon as I start, her attitude changes completely. I can feel her calling me – she absolutely loves it, and so do I. »
« My experiences with this course have been challenging, uplifting, emotional, surprising and utterly wonderful. I feel truly honoured that I have reawakened this very special and magical innate gift that we all possess. I can now more easily slip into a state of grounded open heartedness to intuitively receive the abundance all around. Thank you, Marie, from the bottom of my heart, for the opportunity to travel this lifelong journey. »
« Thanks to this course I have found a connecting path from my reason to my intuition, and back again – when before they were separate places in my brain. »